Using the debrief guide, read through your results.

  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Using the debrief guide, read through your results.
  3. Compose and post a summary of your results.
  4. In particular, what are some steps you can take to strengthen weaknesses you may have or to build upon your strengths?

Meet expectations

Fully addresses the prompt.

Partially addresses the prompt.

Does not address the prompt.

Submission/posting demonstrates critical thinking and knowledge of the content.

Submission/posting demonstrates some critical thinking and knowledge of the content, but lacks quality.

Submission/posting does not show some critical thinking or knowledge of the content.

Communicates clearly through the effective control of grammar and spelling.

Written communication is not as clear due to a few issues with the effective control of grammar and spelling.

Significant errors in spelling and grammar.


  • attachment

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