The Application of Wearable Technologies to Improve Healthcare in the World’s Poorest People.

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175 – 265 words

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Agree and further the conversation to the below response:


Stephanie Martin

4/26/23, 12:36 PM

Wearable Tech for health purposes should be the consumers choice and based on individual need. There are many Pros to wearable devices. Combined with medical apps wearable devices can help encourage diet and exercise. Help with preventive measures such as glucose monitoring and blood pressure. Disease monitoring leads to great health benefits, early detection and low cost for consumers and insurances.

However, having to wear a wearable device for the sake of insurance purposes just for the sake of cost, I disagree with. Not only is it an invasion of privacy but a violation of HIPAA to an extent. Studies have shown that wearables are not serving the people who would benefit the most such as marginalized groups and need to further address accessibility barriers. Should a consumer have higher insurance costs because of disabilities or lack of resources for a better lifestyle? On the contrary, should a consumer have higher costs despite their ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

I guess what I’m saying is Health does not discriminate, whether it is yourself, family or friends. Ethical standards need to be agreed upon with respect to protecting the rights of all individuals regardless of financial status (Levine, 2017).


Feibus, M. (2021, December 2). Wearable tech gives early health care warnings. USA Today, 03B.

Levine, J. (2017). The Application of Wearable Technologies to Improve Healthcare in the World’s Poorest People. 8(2).

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