Sustainability in Health Care

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175 – 265 words

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Jake Jarrett

9/14/23 at 6:56 PM

Sustainability in Health Care

Sustainability in health care is well within most organizations grasp, simply because it can encompass a myriad of different opportunities. Whether it be different lighting sources, reducing waste, or any number of different solutions most of these are obtainable by most companies. By analyzing where certain costs are higher than expected, these companies will be able to not only save money but do it sustainably as well. By taking a more in-depth initiative these companies will not only be able to improve the overall efficiency of their facilities, but also create a level of trust and admiration from the community which can lead to not only retaining current customers, but can attract new one’s as well (Avlonas et al., 2013). Obviously most organizations would prefer that their “sustainability” does not come out a huge cost to them and rightfully so. However if an emphasis is put on different forms of sustainability, it can actually end up saving the company money in the medium and long term.

Opportunities for Dialogue

Within my current organization I would say that the opportunity for dialogue is probably better than most. This does not mean that the change that you envision will necessarily get accomplished, but our organization has a great relationship with a number of different administration that look to improve the overall efficiency of their organization. Ensuring that an organization has a culture in place where consumers and employees on all levels are able to contribute to the cause of sustainability will prove dividends to companies willing to listen (Harris et al., 2017). Different forms of communication can be used at all organizations with something as simple as a poster board in a break room with ideas to improve sustainability, or an allotted amount of time during a department wide meeting etc.


Avlonas, N., & Nassos, G. P. (2013). Practical sustainability strategies: How to gain a competitive advantage. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Harris, C., Ko, H., Waller, C., Sloss, P., & Williams, P. (2017). Sustainability in health care by allocating resources effectively (SHARE) 4: exploring opportunities and methods for consumer engagement in resource allocation in a local healthcare setting. BMC Health Services Research17, 1–16.

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