Signature Assessment (SA#1)  is specific to the fundamentals of research. It finds basis in the readings, assignments, and lectures up to this activity (See Reading assignments in Weeks 1 – 6).

Signature Assessment (SA#1)  is specific to the fundamentals of research. It finds basis in the readings, assignments, and lectures up to this activity (See Reading assignments in Weeks 1 – 6). Please follow the steps below to complete this activity via an MS Word Document with the following items included as follows (Document name = SA#1):

STEP 1 (50 Points): Cover Page w/Abstract, includes the following:
a.   Title of Document is Signature Assessment  #1 Assignment and filename = SA#1; [15 Pts]
b.   Your name, course, date, and an abstract ON THE COVER page of this activity; [15 Pts]
c.    Header with Signature Assessment #1 Assignment and page numbers right justified; [20 Pts]

STEP 2 (10 Points/Item: Total 150 Points): Write a short definition for each of the 15 items below, complete the activity, create a research topic, or do as instructed. These items START on Page 2 of your MS Word document.
1. What is the difference between a research proposal, research report, and a research presentation? [10 Points]
2. Explain the function of DDIDM in your life personally, professionally, and for community service. [10 Points]
3. Provide a short definition of each term and show an example of a variable of each term: a) quantitative; b) qualitative; and, c) mixed research. [10 Points]
4. What is a variable versus a constant and give an example of each. [10 Points]
5. What is the ‘central tendency’ in the outcomes of research? Does a central tendency offer proof that the research is absolute? Why or why not. Be sure to explain this. [10 Points]
6. What is the difference between validity and reliability? [10 Points]
7. Given: THREE-WAY STOP SAFETY: AN OBSERVATIONAL INVESTIGATION. List five key-word searches for this research topic. [10 Points]
8. What is the purpose of a hypothesis or a topic for research? Related to the hypothesis or topic, what is the purpose of the Abstract of a research paper or project?  [10 Points]
9. If you have a survey question with a composite score of 4.78, and the scale is: 1-Neutral; 2-Highly Unlikely; 3-Likely; 4-Somewhat Likely; 5-Very Likely, interpret this composite score if you have 1,000 respondents. How would you rate this question in the research? Write a short survey question you might use for this response.  [10 Points]
10. What is the research proposal and when does it occur in the research process? [10 Points]
11 – 15 For this activity, you are to do the following: Suppose you are assigned to conduct a study of test taking. List ten things you MUST do to conduct the study and explain their purpose. This study must be approved by the Board of Directors for funding. [50 Points]

1. Proposal – because the Board of Directors must approve funding and the project (5 Pts)
…you have 9 more and reason for listing each item… 
… etc… remember, 10 legitimate things you MUST DO [I have listed one of them for you]… (5 Points Each item)

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