According to Reece and Reece (2017), “In the age of information, the problem is not access to information; it is assimilating the massive amount of information we experience daily.

BUSI 675 Discussion Assignment Instructions The student will complete 3 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week.. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citations in APA format and incorporate […]

Choose one of the following possible threats

Choose one of the following possible threats. Fire Water Failure or disruption of service providers Failure or malfunction of devices or systems Software vulnerabilities or errors Abuse of authorization Attack Identity theft Malicious software Social engineering Data loss Loss of integrity of sensitive information. Find an article that includes an example of this risk. Discuss […]

How to Forecast Volatility of the Conditional Variance in the GARCH Model

To forecast the volatility of the conditional variance using a GARCH model in EViews, follow these steps: Step-by-Step Guide: Load Your Data: Open EViews and load your time series data. Specify the GARCH Model: Go to Quick -> Estimate Equation. In the equation specification box, enter the mean equation (e.g., Y = C(1) + C(2)*X […]

How to Detect Heteroscedasticity using Eviews

Detecting heteroskedasticity in EViews involves running specific tests and analyzing residual plots. Here are the steps: Step-by-Step Guide: Run Initial OLS Regression: Load your dataset in EViews. Go to Quick -> Estimate Equation. Enter your regression equation (e.g., Y = C(1) + C(2)*X1 + C(3)*X2). Click OK to estimate using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Plot […]

How to correct Heteroscedasticity with Functional Forms of the Model in Eviews

Correcting heteroskedasticity by transforming the functional form of the model in EViews involves the following steps: Step-by-Step Guide: Run Initial OLS Regression: Load your dataset in EViews. Go to Quick -> Estimate Equation. Enter your regression equation (e.g., Y = C(1) + C(2)*X1 + C(3)*X2). Click OK to estimate using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Diagnose […]

How to correct Heteroscedasticity with Weighted (Generalised) Least Squares in Eviews

To correct heteroskedasticity with Weighted (Generalized) Least Squares (WLS/GLS) in EViews, follow these steps: Step-by-Step Guide: Run Initial OLS Regression: Load your dataset in EViews. Go to Quick -> Estimate Equation. Enter your regression equation (e.g., Y = C(1) + C(2)*X1 + C(3)*X2). Click OK to estimate using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Diagnose Heteroskedasticity: Check […]

How to correct Heteroscedasticity with Robust Standard Errors using Eviews

To correct heteroskedasticity using robust standard errors in EViews, follow these expanded steps: Step-by-Step Guide: Run the Initial OLS Regression: Open EViews and load your dataset. Navigate to Quick -> Estimate Equation. Enter the regression equation in the form of Dependent Variable = C(1) + C(2)*Independent Variable + …. Click OK to estimate the equation […]

Moderation Modelling in Time Series Analysis using EVIEWS

Here are the steps of moderation modelling in time series analysis using EViews, based on a hypothetical scenario: Define Research Objectives and Hypothesis: Clearly state your research question and the moderating effect you’re investigating. For example, you might be studying how marketing affects sales (independent variable) and how economic conditions (moderating variable) influence that relationship. […]

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