Respond by either supporting or respectfully challenging their explanation on whether there is an evidence base to support the proposed health policy they described.
150-200 words 2 intext apa 2reference. APA format
Response 1
Background: H.Res.27 – Condemning attacks on health care facilities, personnel, and patients.
Compared to other workplaces, healthcare workers have a higher risk of getting physically, sexually, or psychologically injured. Incidents where staff members are abused, threatened, or assaulted in the circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being, or health, are Workplace Violence (Cheung et al., 2017)
Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., on September 12, 2023, introduced the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act, which would make it a federal crime to assault healthcare workers in hospitals, with enhanced penalties for assaults that result in serious bodily injury. The bill would also require the Government Accountability Office to study the effectiveness of the legislation in reducing violence against the healthcare workforce.
Social Determinant Most Affecting the Policy: The social determinant that most affects this policy is all nurses in levels, new grad nurses, and well-experienced nurses, who are all at risk of attacks. Among healthcare workers, nurses have been affected mainly by violence, and nothing much has changed. Being a female-dominant profession also puts nurses at risk of workplace violence.
Evidence Base:
Substantial evidence from various studies and initiatives supports the proposed policy. Violence against nurses has been a pandemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “between 8 and 38% of nurses suffer from healthcare violence at some point in their career.
Hospital workplace violent-related injuries are four times greater than in other sectors. Similarly, according to the same study, one out of every five nurses had to experience WPV at some point in their careers (Arnetz et al., 2017).
Response 2
H.R. 2940 “The PASTEUR Act”
H.R. 2940 also known as Pioneering Antimicrobial Subscriptions to End Up Surging Resistance , is legislation introduced into Congress in April 2023 to amend Title III of the Public Health Service Act to establish a program to develop antimicrobial innovations targeting the most challenging pathogens and most threatening infections (Congress, 2023). Fighting microbial agents, specifically when they become resistant to the currently available medications, remains a problem. This legislation proposes that within a year of implementation, a list of infections for which new antimicrobial drug development is needed be developed, taking into account organisms, sites of infection, and type of infections for which there is an unmet medical need, findings from the most recent report entitled “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States” issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can be used to identify the focus (Congress, 2023). The advisory committee would oversee the regulations regarding the qualifications of the critical need for the medications. The social determinant affecting this policy is access to medications for the lower socioeconomic population and low health literacy. As new medications are developed, access may not be universal. Also, it is essential to note that health literacy in finishing an antibiotic course remains a challenge among specific populations with knowledge deficits. There is evidence base to support the need for this healthcare policy focus. The crisis of antimicrobial resistance causes reduced treatment options and efficacy, increases the spread of infection, and increases morbidity and mortality rates (Zanichelli et al., 2023). This can affect all populations but can be most detrimental to the immunosuppressed population. In the United States alone, more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur each year, leading to over 35,000 deaths and costing more than $4.6 billion annually. (Moradigaravand et al., 2023). Strict oversight must be in place if this legislation passes, as developing new drugs for profit continues to be an issue.