Speech- My Career (this did not upload properly the first time) A speech about the student’s career choices, hopes, and aspirations will be created and presented by the student. If the student wishes to employ the Outline Builder in MindTap it is quite helpful. In this presentation the student must make clear to the audience how and when steps will be taken in their career journey, and which is expected to be the most interesting, or hardest, or most fulfilling time. Usually, a topic that comes from the student’s own experiences or passions makes for the best topic—but then must be supported by experts. For this speech, it may help to interview someone who holds the position you are interested in. Could be your foot-in-the-door job, your middle-level career move, or the CEO job you’re aiming for down the line! Just make an appointment with that person and prepare your questions in advance (maybe even let them see the questions in advance). If you respect his/her time, you will in turn 6 be graced with more time than you thought you needed (and paid internships happen this way!!). And, NO, you do not have to put this on your Works Cited page, just mention the person, the rank, and why you chose that person to interview while speaking—then tell us what that person said. Once your topic is chosen, approved, and a rough outline is put together, you are then expected to use the library’s databases to find material to support your speech. There are instructions on how to access the library’s databases in the Course Documents area. You will find the abstracts helpful. The author of each article is asked to create a one-paragraph synopsis of the article, known as an abstract. It is then placed in the front of the article and listed with the article information page. Read the abstract before you read the entire article. This will easily tell you whether the article will pertain to your topic or if it is only loosely related and may not contain information that will apply. It is recommended that if you use the article in your speech (or in papers!) you download the .pdf version of the article to your own computer. Do not use web sources until after you have obtained the minimum number of database sources if you want to achieve full points on this assignment. When researching in the databases, one can make use of the citation builder to find the MLA citation for each article, and copy-and-paste that citation into one’s own Works Cited page. This makes the entire process of citations super-fast and much, much easier!! The Works Cited page should be completely formatted according to the MLA Style guide. If you decide to construct citations by hand, be sure you obtain, say it with me again, I know you’re memorizing this, the wise guidance of a librarian or the actual style guide itself. You will also compile a series of images in a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your speech. This could be shown to your audience while you are speaking. Again, this should be images and bullet points. A rubric will be provided before the due date. In the Assignments area the student will submit on or before the date due: • an outline (again, technically complete with topic statements only) • a properly MLA-formatted Works Cited page • the PowerPoint slides