Marshall Debiase

Marshall Debiase

Documentation is the key source of communication between healthcare professionals when it comes to patient’s care and overall status. How would we be able to keep track of everything that has been done on every patient? Paper documents like face sheets sometimes get over printed and can be left around the department. Keeping organized and not printing off excess paper work with patients info is effective and a simplistic way to prevent these errors. Documenting takes away from patient care and is only getting worse with heavy work loads, poor staffing ratios, and the documenting needing to be more thorough. A solution is being efficient with your time during the shift and communicating/delegating to other co workers so catching up with charting becomes less habitual. Epic and other software’s have replaced paper charting, though downtime presents conflicts at untimely manners, it has made it easier and more efficient to navigate through care plans and trends in patient status. There is more of a risk of a breach through spam and FISHING emails. Hospitals and organizations will orient you on how to spot such clickbaits that are set up to gain access to patient info. Another issue with technology is the nurses spend more time with the computer than the patient. We must maintain an awareness that life does not have to be seen through a screen, which is becoming more difficult in this progressive time, Overall I think there is an appropriate amount of tech to introduce into medicine, but when we solely rely on it to drive our assessments and our interactions we lose out on our careers and our lives.



Stephanie Williams

Documentation and Informatics

The foundation of nursing practice is informatics and documentation, which guarantees legal accountability and patient care continuity. However, maintaining correct and private data presents several difficulties for nurses. The time restriction during shifts is one of the main obstacles. Because the healthcare industry moves quickly, nurses are frequently under pressure to record patient information quickly, which can result in inaccuracies or omissions that affect accuracy. Nurses can prioritize duties and record critical information more effectively without sacrificing accuracy by using time management tactics and receiving training in efficient documentation techniques.


The volume and complexity of patient information is a significant problem for nurses. Organizing and effectively documenting this enormous array of information gets burdensome when dealing with various data, which might range from drug administration to treatment plans. Documentation procedures can be made more efficient using informatics technologies like electronic health records (EHRs) and standard template implementation (Taylor et al., 2022). By providing standardized formats and prompts, these systems help nurses methodically organize and record information, which lowers errors caused by information overload.

Documentation continues to be challenging when it comes to patient confidentiality. The security of sensitive patient data becomes critical as healthcare moves toward electronic records. Patient confidentiality may be jeopardized by incorrect disclosure, unauthorized access, or security policy violations. Nurses must use the built-in security elements of EHR systems, closely adhere to confidentiality protocols, and observe HIPAA guidelines (Richesson et al., 2021). Reminders and ongoing education about the value of confidentiality help nurses stay vigilant about protecting patient data.

Nurses can take proactive steps to address these issues. Nursing professionals can prioritize duties and effectively record information within tight time constraints by participating in training programs emphasizing time management strategies and effective documentation procedures. Using encryption methods and restricted access, adopting informatics solutions such as EHR systems improves secrecy while streamlining documentation procedures (Richesson et al., 2021). Stressing the value of confidentiality procedures helps to guarantee that nurses continue to be watchful in protecting patient data.

In conclusion, time restraints, information complexity, and confidentiality concerns all contribute to nurses’ ongoing difficulties with accurate and private recordkeeping. Tactics, including training, effective time management, informatics tools, and stressing confidentiality protocols, are crucial to tackling these issues. In healthcare, informatics, especially EHR systems, is essential to improving documentation accuracy and guaranteeing secure information management.


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