management reports

Individual Case Study

For this assignment, you may use a case study from the text or a problem you are attempting to resolve in your respective area/industry of business. Please remember you will not be assigned a case study so you will need to begin to identify your case study/problem as soon as possible. Case studies we have already conducted in class may not be used for group or individual case study submissions.


1) Provide the background of the problem you are attempting to resolve.

2) Create a mathematical equation for the problem on the first tab of your Excel Worksheet

3) Solve the problem using Solver (linear programming) on the second tab of your Excel Worksheet.

4) Provide a management report (discuss results, sensitivity analysis, and provide recommendations) for your findings in a Word Document. Students should use screenshots to insert both the Solver solution and the sensitivity analysis in the management report completed in Word.

5) Both the Solver Workbook and Word document should be submitted in Blackboard using the provided link.

6) A minimum of 8 – 10 pages written in APA (not including the title page and references) is required.

7) Students may use their own business problem; however, a comprehensive discussion on the background must be provided so that your approach to the solution and recommendations can easily be followed.

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