Is there an universal ethic that transcends cultures, and is it possible to determine right and wrong across cultures? · How does culture influence your own ethical decision-making?

Answer the two discussions below as well as respond to the replies below in APA format with the link to the websites.


Discussion #1: Ethics across Cultures

Answer the following prompts:

· Is there an universal ethic that transcends cultures, and is it possible to determine right and wrong across cultures?

· How does culture influence your own ethical decision-making?

· How does ethical behavior among providers promote a culture of safety?


Response #1:

The question of whether there is a universal ethic that transcends cultures is open for debate. People may argue that universal rights compel individuals to act similarly regardless of their cultural background. For example, the golden rule states that ‘treat others as you would want to be treated’ (Evans, 2020). It implies that an individual should do good to others because they would want to be treated well. In addition, human rights compel people to act similarly regardless of their beliefs, practices, and values. Despite these arguments for universal ethics, some individuals believe in cultural relativism. They argue that what is right or wrong is determined by culture.

Culture plays an integral part in determining how I make decisions. According to Mohd Mustamil (2010), culture is central to forming ethical ideology. It acts as a guideline in determining whether I view specific practices as wrong or right. Cultural norms, traditions, and values have been critical in forming my moral framework. However, I must follow the culture established in my work setting. I must adhere to rules and regulations that determine what is appropriate and acceptable.

Ethical behavior among providers helps create a safe environment for patients. It allows for the proper conduct toward patients and other stakeholders involved in care. Ethical behavior encourages providers to make the right decisions and implement fair and just policies (Dauterive & Schubert, 2013). It ensures that medical professionals prioritize patient well-being, deliver comprehensive care, and maintain confidentiality. Providers who demonstrate ethical conduct will likely collaborate effectively with colleagues, create healthy relationships with patients, and adhere to organizational policies. Subsequently, facilities create environments where errors are less likely to occur.


Dauterive, F. R., & Schubert, A. (2013). Bioethics in Practice – A quarterly column about medical ethics: Ethics, quality, safety, and a just culture: the link is evident.  The Ochsner Journal,  13(3), 293–294.

Evans. (2020).  Utilitarianism, universal ethics, golden rule, and virtue ethics. Paper per Hour.

Mohd Mustamil, N. (2010).  The influence of culture and ethical ideology on ethical decision making process of Malaysian managers.


Response #2:

Universal Ethics

Everyone has their own opinion on whether there is a universal ethic that transcends cultures. Whether you think there is or not, there is no right or wrong and everyone is entitled to their own opinions. An example of universal ethics is treating one another with dignity despite other factors (Murphy & Franz, 2020). Other examples are beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. At times some of these ethics may have to be broken for the safety of others and society.

Culture Influence and Ethical Decision-Making

According to Giger & Haddad (2021), “culture is the values, beliefs, norms, and practices of a particular group that are learned and shared and that guide thinking, decisions, and actions in a patterned way” (p. 2). Culture plays a role in influencing how I make decisions the majority of the time. At times I must set my own beliefs to the side and put the beliefs of my patients first while following the rules and protocols of my facility. What I might think is wrong may be right in the eyes of my patients. This is why culture appropriate care and competence is important in nursing and in the medical field.

Providers Ethical Behavior in Promoting a Culture of Safety

Providers and their ethical behavior play a vital role in promoting a culture of safety for all. It has been acknowledged that healthcare providers play a role in patient safety while delivering care (He et al., 2023). Safety in healthcare can be a challenge at times especially with its evolution and the numerous amounts of changes in protocols and rules. With the constant changes one thing that may be grounded is our ethical behavior. Thinking ethically protects those who are unable to protect themselves (Dauterive & Schubert, 2013). In a culture of safety, we can work properly together and give the best care to all. “Ethics is about making the right decisions and implementing policies that are fair and just” (Dauterive & Schubert, 2013, p. 294).


Dauterive, F. R., & Schubert, A. (2013). Bioethics in practice – a quarterly column about medical ethics: ethics, quality, safety, and a just culture: the link is evident.  Ochsner journal,  13(3), 293–294.

Giger, J. N., & Haddad, L. (2021).  Transcultural nursing: assessment & intervention. Elsevier.

He, H., Chen, X., Tian, L., Long, Y., Li, L., Yang, N., & Tang, S. (2023). Perceived patient safety culture and its associated factors among clinical managers of Tertiary Hospitals: A cross-sectional survey.  BMC Nursing,  22(1).

Murphy, J. W., & Franz, B. A. (2020). Ethics in narrative health interventions.  The Permanente Journal,  24(1).



Discussion #2: Facilitating Change

Answer the following prompts:

1. How does dissemination of nursing research facilitate implementing change?

2. What are communication strategies to facilitate change?


1. How does dissemination of nursing research facilitate implementing change? 

Dissemination of nursing research facilities implementing change by spreading knowledge and evidence-based interventions to a specific audience, such as healthcare providers and patients (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). This dissemination process increases the reach of evidence, motivates individuals to use it, and enhances their ability to apply evidence in clinical practice, ultimately leading to the adoption of innovative practices and improvement in patient care.

2. What are communication strategies to facilitate change?

Communication strategies to facilitate change in healthcare include tailoring messages to individual needs, targeting messages to specific audience segments, using narratives, and framing messages in different ways (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). These techniques help make evidence more understandable, persuasive, and actionable, thereby promoting positive changes in clinical practice and patient care.


Communication and Dissemination Strategies to Facilitate to the Use of Health-Related Evidence. (2012). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.,patients%20and%20health%20care%20providers

Response #2:

One way dissemination of nursing research facilitates implementing change is by ensuring that practitioners stay updated on current knowledge. Research provides evidence-based information that leads to improved understanding of interventions and approaches. Another way dissemination of research facilitates implementing change is through education. Nurses learn more when exposed to new research, giving them high-end knowledge in implementing change. Education is also critical for adapting to and managing change. In addition, disseminating research information assists in building awareness (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). When they access new study data, nurses know about trending issues in healthcare that require attention. Such awareness promotes change since nurses can identify gaps and opportunities to improve patient care. Dissemination also supports policy changes. Research information may emphasize introducing new laws to promote patient safety and enhance the quality of care. Subsequently, new policies facilitate change in healthcare settings to ensure improved outcomes.

One strategy that facilitates implementing change includes stating clearly the rationale for the new practice (Albright et al., 2021). Leaders must explain to subordinates why change is required and how it will benefit healthcare procedures. Another approach includes providing essential procedural knowledge. Albright et al. (2021) advise leaders to offer comprehensive training to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to use the new practice. In addition, communicating change through different methods is an effective strategy that leads to optimum outcomes. Applying this approach ensures that people do not misuse new information. Finally, providing adequate time for practitioners to prepare for change is essential when communicating change. Leaders should give information early to allow nurses to prepare for change.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2012, July 31).  Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence.

Albright, K., Navarro, E. I., Jarad, I., Boyd, M. R., Powell, B. J., & Lewis, C. C. (2021). Communication strategies to facilitate the implementation of new clinical practices: a qualitative study of community mental health therapists.  Translational Behavioral Medicine,  12(2).

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