human resource

Apply the six types of power as discussed in the module resources to the Netflix case study, which you read about last week.

  1. Coercive Power
  2. Legitimate Power
  3. Reward Power
  4. Referent Power
  5. Expert Power
  6. Multidimensional Power

Consider the types of power that Sharon Slade, the chief human  resources officer (CHRO) at Netflix, has in this situation. In your  initial post, first describe the six types of power Sharon possesses.  Then, provide examples that show how Sharon may exhibit this type of  power during the negotiations. Finally, provide a reason why this type  of power is important in this setting. Use the example below as a guide.

Example—Expert power: This is the power  that comes from the thought that a person has expert-level knowledge of  a topic or high-level skill. For example, Sharon has power in human  resource matters, as she has great knowledge of the company’s policies  and the law during the negotiations to drive a fair bargain.

use the example provided to follow

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