Hum Ecology & Environment week7 peers resp

Hum Ecology & Environment week7 peers resp

Your responses should consist of your informed input. One or two-sentence peer responses will not fetch full points. Do not merely recite the content you read in the unit; don’t simply give your opinion.

Your input should be in your own words (to avoid plagiarism), demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic. Be sure to support all your posts (initial post + responses) with specific references to the assigned readings, lecture material, and other relevant research you find appropriate in APA format.


Ciara TurnerDec 11, 2023 at 6:56 AM

Week 7 Discussion


1. What is the correlation between climate change and migration? Does it impact all groups and nations equally? Explain your response using data on at least three different groups of people or nations. What would be the role of nurse professionals in addressing environmental migrations? (USLOs 7.1, 7.4)

Areas where climate change has the most negative affects causes large groups of people to migrate. Climate change issues causes limited access to resources, such as water and food, and triggers violence, conflict, and migration (Author links open overlay panelGuy J. Abel a et al., 2019). The areas that the groups of people are migrating to causes pressure to infrastructure and competition for resources. All groups and nations are not impacted equally. Environmental issues determine how the areas are affected (Author links open overlay panelGuy J. Abel a et al., 2019). Excessive heat in areas such as Uganda cause more migration to different areas and rainfall deficits in Mexico cause the same (Author links open overlay panelGuy J. Abel a et al., 2019). Rainfall in Africa affects the probability of conflict between residents in the area (Author links open overlay panelGuy J. Abel a et al., 2019). Nurses play a role by reporting migrations in their areas and doing their part in reducing the overuse of resources and educating patients and families.


Author links open overlay panelGuy J. Abel a, a, b, c, d, 1, Highlights•Growing public interest on climate driver of conflict and migration but evidence is scarce.•Climate change is responsible for increase in asylum seeking through conflict.•Reduced rainfall increases conflict which in turn drive outflow of asylum, & AbstractDespite the lack of robust empirical evidence. (2019, January 21). Climate, conflict and forced migration. Global Environmental Change.



2nd peer post


Phillip TuckDec 11, 2023 at 2:05 PM

The article establishes a correlation between climate change and migration by defining environmentally induced migrants as individuals compelled to leave their habitual homes due to adverse environmental changes. It acknowledges the recent development in the literature and the focus on quantifying the causal role of environmental factors in migration decisions (Kaczan, Orgill-Meyer, 2020). Through empirical studies, the text demonstrates that weather shocks and shifting climate regimes influence migration decisions at the household level. It highlights the distinction between rural and urban migration, considering factors like large positive heat anomalies affecting migration, particularly for women.  Vulnerable populations, such as those in low-lying island nations, impoverished regions, or indigenous communities, often experience disproportionate and severe consequences. Factors influencing the unequal impact include socioeconomic conditions, geographical location, access to resources, and adaptive capacities. Wealthier nations with advanced infrastructure may be better equipped to cope with the challenges posed by climate change, while marginalized communities and developing nations may face increased vulnerabilities (Kaczan, Orgill-Meyer, 2020). Nurse professionals play a vital role in addressing environmental migrations by advocating for health-focused policies, providing immediate healthcare during emergencies, and supporting mental health in displaced populations. They contribute to research, collaborate with various stakeholders, and educate communities on health risks and preventive measures. Additionally, their cultural competence ensures sensitivity to diverse health needs. Overall, nurses are instrumental in developing and implementing comprehensive strategies that prioritize the health and well-being of individuals affected by environmental migrations.



Kaczan, D. J., & Orgill-Meyer, J. (2020). The impact of climate change on migration: a synthesis of recent empirical insights. Climatic Change, 158(3-4), 281-300.

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