How to Perform Mediation Analysis Using AMOS

How to Perform Mediation Analysis Using AMOS

Performing mediation analysis in AMOS is a powerful way to explore the mechanisms through which independent variables (IV) influence dependent variables (DV) via one or more mediator variables. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Data Preparation: Collect and clean your data, ensuring it is free of missing values and formatted correctly, including variables for IV, mediator, DV, and potential control variables.
  2. Launch AMOS: Open AMOS software and load your dataset.
  3. Model Setup: Create a new model and add boxes for your variables using the “Draw” tool. Draw arrows with the “Draw Path” tool to represent your hypothesized relationships (e.g., IV → Mediator → DV).
  4. Measurement Models (Optional): If you have latent variables with multiple indicators, create measurement models by connecting latent variables to their indicators and adding error terms.
  5. Estimation and Assessment: Configure analysis properties, then estimate the model. Assess fit indices like Chi-square, CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR to determine if your model fits the data well.
  6. How to Perform Mediation Analysis Using AMOS
    How to Perform Mediation Analysis Using AMOS
  7. Mediation Analysis: Examine the standardized path coefficients to identify direct and indirect effects. Calculate indirect effects by multiplying path coefficients along the mediation pathway and use methods like bootstrapping to test their significance.
  8. Reporting: Create a visual model diagram in AMOS and document your findings, emphasizing your research report’s path coefficients and mediation effects.

Remember to have a solid theoretical foundation, as mediation analysis assumes causality between variables, and consult experts or resources for guidance if you are new to structural equation modelling and mediation analysis.

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