How to do Harman’s Single Factor Test in SPSS

How to do Harman’s Single Factor Test in SPSS

What is Harman’s single factor test?

  • Harman’s single factor test is one technique to identify common method variance. If a single factor emerges or one general factor will account for the majority of the covariance among the measures then it is concluded that a substantial amount of common method variance is present

Step-by-step procedure in SPSS:

  1. In SPSS, go to Analyze — Dimension reduction — Factor.
  2. Throw in all the measurement items in the variables box.
  3. Click the extraction button:
    • Method: Maximum likelihood (to be consistent with AMOS logarithm).
    • Make sure to check the unrotated factor solution.
    • Go to the extraction box and set Factors to extract: 1.
    • Click continue
  4. Go to the rotation button — Click Method: None — Continue
    • Click OK
    • In the output, go to the total variance explained section — look at the % of variance column.


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