How to Conduct Multigroup Analysis in AMOS: Comparing Subgroups
Conducting multigroup analysis in AMOS allows you to compare subgroups within your data, examining whether a structural model fits different groups differently. Here is a concise guide:
- Data Preparation: Ensure your dataset is clean and organized and your grouping variable (e.g., gender, age) is appropriately coded.
- Launch AMOS: Open AMOS software and load your dataset.
- Model Setup: Create a structural equation model with your variables of interest, as you would for a single-group analysis.
- Define Subgroups: Specify which variable in your dataset will be used to split your sample into subgroups (e.g., gender).
- Set Up Multigroup Analysis: In AMOS, go to “Analysis” > “Multigroup Analysis.” Select your grouping variable and the groups you want to compare.
How to Conduct Multigroup Analysis in AMOS: Comparing Subgroups - Estimation: Configure estimation settings and estimate the model separately for each subgroup.
- Compare Models: Examine each subgroup’s fit indices, parameter estimates, and model fit statistics. Use these results to evaluate whether the model differs significantly between groups.
- Interpretation: Interpret differences in path coefficients and model fit indices between subgroups. Determine whether the relationships in your model are invariant (consistent) across groups or if there are significant differences.
- Reporting: Document and report your findings, emphasizing the subgroup differences or similarities and their implications for your research.
Multigroup analysis in AMOS helps researchers assess whether the relationships in their structural models hold across different populations or conditions, providing valuable insights into group-specific effects.