Respond to at least two colleagues on 2 different days. Choose colleagues who were assigned different theories than your own. Respond to their posts in one or more of the following ways:
Health Promotion Theory
1.The health promotion model was introduced by Pender in 1982 and focused on empowering people to achieve higher levels of well-being. Pender has defined health promotion as an enhancement in health and well-being that requires a lifestyle change, with lifestyle described as a set of behaviors aimed at disease prevention and health promotion. The health promotion model is a theoretical framework for analyzing health factors and their relationship with health-promoting behaviors contributing to the movement toward enhanced well-being and quality of life. This model is a guide for understanding the complex biopsychosocial processes that compel people to engage in health behaviors that result in health promotion (Masoudi et al., 2020). Studies indicate that nonadherence to treatment can worsen the condition and cause frequent hospitalization, which, in turn, can impose significant burdens on the health-care system (Masoudi et al., 2020).
At my practice, I have two patients with ESRD in addition to psychiatric and mental health disorders. It is challenging for staff to manage their care, but their care/treatment depends on their adherence to medical instructions and treatment. Undergoing hemodialysis treatment completely changes the patient’s life, as it requires regular attendance in dialysis sessions, adherence to medications, and significant changes in diet. There are generally four therapeutic recommendations for ESRD patients: Limiting fluid consumption, taking dietary precautions (e.g., eating low salt, low potassium, and low phosphorus foods), adhering to medication, and adhering to dialysis sessions. Nonadherence to these four behaviors has a profound impact on the clinical outcomes of ESRD patients (Masoudi et al., 2020).
A person with a high degree of self-efficacy is likely to be more involved in self-care activities, which in turn has an impact on their quality of life and can reduce their mental disorders. Perceived self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their abilities to control their actions, performance levels, and the events that affect their lives. People with low self-efficacy are less likely to attempt new health behaviors or change their accustomed behaviors. Self-efficacy can influence people’s motivation and stimulate them to strive and persist in positive behaviors, an attitude that is very important for the treatment of chronic diseases (Masoudi et al., 2020).
According to the World Health Organization, health promotion enables people to take more control over their health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions designed to benefit and protect everyone’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the causes of poor health rather than just focusing on treatment and cures. It can help people manage their physical and psychological conditions, improve personal, family, and social health, and improve quality of life. It also increases average life expectancy and reduces unnecessary medical expenses and waste (Chiu et al., 2020).
Health promotion has been a cornerstone of the Healthy People initiative since its inception in 1979. Healthy People 2030 expresses an expanded focus on health and well-being and an understanding that health and well-being for all people is a shared responsibility. This vision can be achieved through evidence-based interventions and policies that address the economic, physical, and social environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age (Pronk et al., 2021).
In my area of practice, which is mental health, the presence of comorbidities is usually a concern as most of the patients have medical or substance use problems in addition to psychiatric and mental health disorders. During assessment and history taking to formulate a diagnosis and course of treatment, a provider needs to pay attention to self-reported symptoms that affect the physical and psychological well-being of the patients. Throughout the hospitalization, I continue to educate patients on the importance of adhering to the treatment plan and attend groups and other activities where they learn coping and life skills; by doing so, this promotes health and recovery. Collaboration with other disciplines and the community has enhanced health promotion, and we have discharged patients back to the community, where they continue to be productive members.
2. As articulated by Peek and Guikema (2021), interdisciplinary theories are frameworks that amalgamate knowledge from various academic disciplines to enhance the understanding of complex phenomena. Such theories were developed on the premise that complex issues cannot be addressed within one discipline but require an integrated approach (Peek & Guikema, 2021). Therefore, interdisciplinary theories draw conclusions from different fields to better understand a specific subject. Research and education from diverse disciplines form the main elements of study in interdisciplinary theories (Peek & Guikema, 2021). This discussion will briefly describe the assigned theory and my practice issue. It will also explain how the assigned interdisciplinary theory can be applied to my practice problem.
The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, highlighted by Ghani et al. (2021), is a dynamic interdisciplinary educational method where students collaboratively engage in solving real-world problems. Students using the PBL approach learn about a subject by solving an open-ended problem. Also, problem-based learning encourages students to use knowledge gained from different disciplines to solve a specific problem (Ghani et al., 2021). Additionally, the approach to learning uses real-world problems, which makes learning even more practical and applicable. The PBL approach inculcates collaboration discipline early as students using it work in groups, which promotes the exchange of ideas from different backgrounds. Moreover, the problem-based learning theory promotes critical thinking and advocates for the practical application of knowledge (Ghani et al., 2021).
The issue of mental healthcare accessibility is a pressing public health concern, stemming from challenges such as a shortage of mental health professionals, financial barriers, and the stigma surrounding mental health treatment. As Smith-East et al. (2022) point out, ensuring easy and affordable access to mental healthcare is vital for public health. Addressing this issue involves multiple strategies, including adopting telehealth services, stigma reduction initiatives, developing mental health access programs, establishing school-based mental health initiatives, and integrating mental healthcare into primary care settings, as Gunn & Flehr (2023) suggested. The importance of improving mental healthcare accessibility is underscored by numerous benefits, including enhancing patient well-being, reducing distress, preventing adverse events, lowering treatment costs, and fostering stronger, safer communities. This is supported by findings from both Gunn & Flehr (2023) and Bulkes et al. (2022), highlighting the significant impact of accessible mental healthcare on individual and community health outcomes.
Utilizing the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) theory, I propose a comprehensive approach to address mental healthcare accessibility in the United States. This approach begins with identifying specific barriers that impede access to mental health services, followed by implementing evidence-based solutions. Central to this strategy is a collaborative effort with professionals across various disciplines, enhancing the depth and breadth of the intervention. In parallel, I would leverage interdisciplinary theory to amass a wide range of information, including policy insights and effective strategies, to improve access to mental healthcare services. This knowledge base will be instrumental in engaging community stakeholders in the formulation of patient-centered treatment plans. Furthermore, the PBL framework will be applied to foster a culture of lifelong learning among mental health patients and providers. This involves continuously updating our collective understanding with the latest trends and policy shifts in mental healthcare, ensuring that our responses are both relevant and forward-thinking in addressing this complex public health challenge.
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