How to Interpret probability Value (P-value)
This video explains how to interpret probability Value, also kow an p-value NB: This video has been embeded under the persmission of Ron QS (Owner & Producer – Quantitative Specialists)
How to Calculate Percentiles in SPSS
This video explains how to Calculate Percentiles in SPSS. NB: This video has been embeded under the persmission of Ron QS (Owner & Producer – Quantitative Specialists)
Understanding Type I and Type II errors
Type I and Type II errors signify the erroneous outcomes of statistical hypothesis tests. Type I error represents the incorrect rejection of a valid null hypothesis whereas Type II error represents the incorrect retention of an invalid null hypothesis. Null Hypothesis Null Hypothesis refers to a statement which nullifies the contrary with evidence. Consider the […]
How to Conduct Normal Distribution Calculations
This guide will show you how to conduct normal distribution calculate the probability (area under the curve) of a standard normal distribution. It will first show you how to interpret a Standard Normal Distributions Table. It will then show you how to calculate the: probability less than a z-value probability greater than a z-value […]
Output Interpretation for One-Way MANOVA
Output Interpretation for One-Way MANOVA SPSS Statistics produces many different tables in its one-way MANOVA analysis. In this section, we show you only the main tables required to understand your results from the one-way MANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests. For a complete explanation of the output you have to interpret when checking your data for […]
Types of sampling design in Research Methodology
There are different types of sampling designs based on two factors viz., the representation basis and the element selection technique. On the representation basis, the sample may be probability sampling or it may be non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is based on the concept of random selection, whereas non-probability sampling is ‘non-random’ sampling. On element selection […]
Normality using SPSS Statistics (Two or more independent variables)
Testing for Normality using SPSS Statistics Procedure when there are two or more independent variables The Explore… command on its own cannot separate the dependent variable into groups based on not one but two or more independent variables. However, we can perform this feat by using the Split File… command. Click Data > Split File… on the top menu as shown […]
Introduction to Mediation Analysis
Introduction to Mediation Analysis This post intends to introduce the basics of mediation analysis and does not explain statistical details. For details, please refer to the articles at the end of this post. What is mediation? Let’s say previous studies have suggested that higher grades predict higher happiness: X (grades) → Y (happiness). (This research […]
T-Distribution Table
The critical values of t-distribution are calculated according to the probabilities of two alpha values and the degrees of freedom. The Alpha (a) values 0.05 one tailed and 0.1 two tailed are the two columns to be compared with the degrees of freedom in the row of the table. One Tail 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 […]
Understanding Mean Mode & Median
Understanding Mean Mode & Median Download this document fr your own perusal for understanding mean, mode & MedianMean, Median, Mode