Detecting Univariate Outliers

Outliers Outliers can influence your results, pulling the mean away from the median. Two types of outliers exist: outliers for individual variables, and outliers for the model. Univariate To detect outliers on each variable, just produce a boxplot in SPSS (as demonstrated in the video). Outliers will appear at the extremes, and will be labeled, […]

Steps to Address Missing Data

Steps to Address Missing Data Addressing missing data is an important step in the data preprocessing phase of any data analysis or machine learning project. Here are some common strategies for handling missing data: Identify Missing Data: Begin by identifying which features have missing values and the extent of the missing data. Understanding the pattern […]

How to Address Missing Data in SPSS

Missing Data Using SPSS If you are missing much of your data, this can cause several problems. The most apparent problem is that there simply won’t be enough data points to run your analyses. The EFA, CFA, and path models require a certain number of data points in order to compute estimates. This number increases […]

Difference Between ARCH vs GARCH Models (The Background)

The Difference Between ARCH vs GARCH Models (The Background). This video simplifies the understanding of the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics of GARCH Modeling, (3) how […]

Basics of GARCH Modeling on Eviews

This Video will teach you how to do Basics of GARCH Modeling on Eviews, This video simplifies the understanding of the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) […]

How to Estimate Standard GARCH Models on Eviews

This video will teach you How to Estimate Standard GARCH Models on Eviews. This video simplifies the understanding of the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics […]

Difference Between ARCH vs GARCH Models (Estimations)

This video teaches the Difference Between ARCH vs GARCH Models (Estimations). This video explains why GARCH is preferred to ARCH models due to its parsimony. This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics […]

How to Estimate GARCH-in-Mean Models on Eviews

This video teaches How to Estimate GARCH-in-Mean Models. This video simplifies the understanding of the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics of GARCH Modeling, (3) how […]

How to Estimate Threshold GARCH (GJR-GARCH) on Eviews

How to Estimate Threshold GARCH (GJR-GARCH) on Eviews. This video simplifies the understanding of the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) This video explains how to perform GARCH Model diagnostics Tests on Eviews The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics of GARCH Modeling, (3) how […]

How to Estimate Exponential GARCH Models in Eviews

How to Estimate Exponential GARCH Models in Eviews. The GARCH Modeling series has 9 collections on the following topics: (1) ARCH versus GARCH (Background), (2) Basics of GARCH Modeling, (3) how to estimate a simple GARCH model, (4) ARCH versus GARCH (Estimations), (5) how to estimate GARCH-in-Mean models, (6) how to estimate Threshold GARCH (GJR […]

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