Academic Integrity Policy

12/26/23, Academic Integrity Policy

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Academic Integrity Policy Standards of Academic Integrity

As an academic community committed to fostering an ethical and intellectual environment, Southern New Hampshire University holds its students to these standards of academic integrity; the University expects that all aspects of a student’s educational path are conducted with the highest degree of integrity, accountability for one’s own work and respect for the intellectual property of others. Violations of these academic standards, such as cheating and plagiarism, will result in sanctions. This policy identifies the behaviors and sets the guidelines that members of the SNHU academic community are expected to follow.

Academic Integrity Expectations

All members of the university community have a responsibility to acquaint themselves with the expectations for academic integrity noted within this policy. Faculty and sta” are asked to join in educating students about academic integrity, while students are expected to understand and follow policy, engaging in ethical academic practices.

A student remains responsible for the academic integrity of work submitted in courses at Southern New Hampshire University even if the student has received a final grade. Ignorance of these standards will not be considered a valid excuse or defense.

Academic Integrity De!nitions

Violating the University’s standards of academic integrity constitutes a serious o”ense. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the major behaviors below.

Academic Misconduct: The intentional violation of college policies by tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of a test, quiz or graded assignment. Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

Stealing, buying, downloading or otherwise obtaining any coursework

Distributing materials for the purpose of cheating

Asking or bribing any other person to obtain a test or any information about a test

Misrepresenting the truth; lying to an instructor to increase a grade; and lying or misrepresenting facts when confronted with an allegation of academic dishonesty

Changing, altering, or being an accessory to changing and/or altering of a grade in a grade book or any other academic record, on a computer, on a test, on a “change of grade” form, or on other o#cial academic records of the college that relate to grades

Sabotaging the work of another student

Altering, forging or misusing University-related documents

Intentionally reporting a false violation of academic integrity

O”ering a bribe to any University member in exchange for special consideration or favors

Alteration or Fabrication of Data: The submission of data not obtained or generated by the student during the course of research. The deceitful alteration of data obtained by the student during the course of research.

Cheating: The act of deceiving, which includes such acts as, but is not limited to:

Using unauthorized notes, materials or other study aids during course work

Using unauthorized technology in completing course work

Obtaining or providing assessment materials prior to its administration

Allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting it as one’s own

Doing work for another person for them to submit as their own

Obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work

Undertaking any activity intended to obtain an unfair advantage over other students

Or whatever else is deemed contrary to the rules of fairness, including special rules designated by the instructor/reviewer in the course/competency

Conspiracy: Agreeing with any other person to commit or attempt to commit academic dishonesty.

Contract Cheating: The obtaining of academic work from another person or entity that is then submitted for academic credit as if the student had created the work themselves. Contract cheating can include, but is not limited to:

The exchange of work for money or other goods, such as providing your own academic work to another or receiving work done by another person

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12/26/23, Academic Integrity Policy

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Can occur on a single assignment, an entire course or multiple courses in an academic program

Electronic Devices: Examples of the improper use of electronic devices (such as personal computer, tablet, cell phone and other devices) include but are not limited to:

Unauthorized access, modification, use, creation or destruction of data stored on electronic devices

Selling or giving away all or part of the information on electronic devices that will be used as graded material

Sharing an electronic device while leaving answers on display or in memory

Misrepresentation: The substitution of another student/individual during the taking of a quiz/examination or for the completion of a course. Submitting a duplicate assignment with the student’s name changed.

Plagiarism: The use, whether by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another without full and clear acknowledgment through proper citation. Examples include:

Misrepresentation of sources used in a work for which the student claims authorship

Improper use of course materials in a work for which the student claims authorship

Submission of written work such as laboratory reports, computer programs or papers that have been copied from the work of other students, with or without their knowledge or consent

A student can avoid the risk of plagiarism in written work, oral presentations or other critical tasks by clearly identifying and indicating, either in citations or in the paper or presentation itself, the source of the idea or wording that they did not produce. Sources must be given regardless of whether the idea, phrase or material is quoted directly, paraphrased or summarized in the student’s own words.

Self-Plagiarism: Self-plagiarism is work done for one course and submitted to another and refers to work previously submitted at this or any other institution to fulfill academic requirements in another class, to include repeated classes. Slightly altered work from one course that has been resubmitted to another is also considered to be fraudulent. In some instances, instructors may allow a certain amount of work from a prior course to be repurposed; students who wish to do this must seek express approval from the instructor in advance. Under no circumstances will a complaint be considered if resubmitted work earns a di”erent grade than from the original submission. Some programs may have outlined exceptions to this policy, including in their curricular expectations.

Unauthorized Collaboration: Unauthorized collaboration is the sharing of work completed for an assignment, project, quiz, or examination questions or answers with another student without the permission of the faculty member. Examples of unauthorized collaboration include, but are not limited to:

Copying another student’s academic work

Allowing another student to copy one’s work

Group collaboration on individual assignments without express permission of the faculty member

The processes for addressing concerns regarding academic integrity can be found in the current Student Handbook.

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