Competency Based Training

Competency-Based Training by


What is Competency Based Training?

Competency-based training entails facilitating the development of specified, well thought, and applied competence.

Vare et al. (2019) imply that competence means that one has the needed skills and capabilities to complete a task in accordance with a set design to achieve a specific outcome.

When implementing a CBT program to solve a competency issue like reducing the problem behavior of a child disruption or training on implementing supine, one should focus on developing the specified skills, knowledge set, and attitude to develop competence to effective completing assigned task.

The training would assume a systematic process commonly undertaken in 4 major steps.

The steps for implementing CBT include instruction, modelling, rehearsal and feedback (Daru & Ali, 2020).




The development phase of the training would require setting up a CBT training blueprint that outlines the rationale and objectives of the skill, eligibility and requirements, teaching methodology, training modules plan, structure and sequence of skill, mastering requirements, and grading criteria.

In this phase I would set up a delivery system for assessing and certifying the competency of learners by managing learning goals, designing assessment, and implementing BST training techniques, like adult learning strategies and resources for use in classroom management.

Material required for tracking competency and maintaining the program would focus on resources for mastery completion of the program by the participants.

Daru and Ali (2020) assert that CBTs materials required to monitor and evaluate performance provide critical aspects of training skill and results.

The main requirement would be a SMART CBT indicator strategy that focuses on specific, measurable, attributable, realistic, and time-bound aspects.





The participants include a child and a parent of preschooler with unmet competency training needs involved in helping her child generalize these goals.(Daru & Ali 2020).



Target Skills for CBT Program

To address the target skills for the CBT, a skill need assessment analysis would be conducted to determine parent training on transitioning child to therapy table and running a mand trial with the kiddo.

The CBT would also involve a training needs assessments to determine the level of the, background of the parent.

Daru and Ali (2020) note that the training needs analysis enables an understanding of the skill gaps to address in the training like the willingness and motivation of trainee and pre-existing accessibility constraints that may hinder effective training.



Approaching BST Components



Behavior-skill training (BST) includes learning strategies that provide opportunities for active learner participation, reflection, sensing, intuitive, visual, and verbal collaboration with the trainees (Davis, 2018).

The program would address BST components by implementing learning strategies for delivering instructions from instructor to trainee to ensure they acquire desired skills, attitudes, and knowledge.

For instance, the apprentiship approach would help learners to master tasks through modeling, coaching, articulation, reflection,and imitation, practical, verbal and written instructions, demos, and observations.

Additional parent and learning strategies enable the trainee to develop self-direction, improve satisfaction, effective feedback, and application of their experience in practice, analysis and reflection.

Daru and Ali (2020) implies that BST focused strategies can include the use of humor, structured controversy, think-pair-share, games or journaling techniques.



Rationale for Completing CBT

The first step of the CBT process concerns the identification of priorities in the parent training. It is supper effective and it promotes better understand of the task

The development of competency standards would enhance the CBT blueprint verification and standards developed in previous phases.

The third phase would concern the delivery, assessment, and certification of learners. In this phase, the trainer would plan how to manage the administration of the CBT relevant to effective implementation of training methods, managing learning goals, and how to design, manage and certify learner’s assessment.

The next phase would be the administration of the CBT to set the environment necessary for the training of the program.

After developing CBT assessment and evaluation strategies for parent, trainer should ensure that the CBT remains relevant and that it aligns with other training about possible changes.

The monitoring and evaluation phase of CBT measures critical aspects of program operation and results (Daru & Ali, 2020). This phase focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of the study, conducting a validation study, and collecting feedback about the CBT.



Assessing and Tracking Competency

The program will have, observable, and assigned tasks descriptions and the duration taken to complete it.

The training would involve review to assists in verifying task. The reviewers would rate the vitality of each competency and assigns a scale based on frequency, importance, and complexity.

The competency standard phase would be the reference for the ideal competent performance used to assess competence.

Competency standards are critical because they enable the identification of performance, performance requirements, conditions, and knowledge gaps. The standard also helps transfer to a different knowledge to a different environment.

The delivery, assessment, and certification phase would include supportive learning techniques and approaches including parent learning strategies that improve the effectiveness of CBT.



Description of BST Components

Instruction: This is letting the parents know what to do. Describing verbally the skills or in writing, effective teaching includes more than just instruction.

Modelling: This steps shows the parent what to do. It is very vital to model the skills with the parent in the environment, practice for fluency before modelling the skill with the help of in-vivo technique to support this step.

Rehearsal: To ensure mastery, parent will practice in role play under instruction to ensure fluency

Feedback: Immediately correct mistakes while the parent can still change it. Provision of enthusiastic praise or positive statements are used before corrective feedback.

Tracking Competency



Skill Intro Date Mastery Date Demonstration of Context Gen Context Maintenance Period Notes
Parent training on transitioning child to therapy table. 03/20/2022 03/28/2022 Excellent Demonstrate in role paly with instructor 1w= 1 week Parent meets expectation
Running a mand trial with kiddo. 04/5/2020 04/15/2022 Meets expectation Demonstrate with client 1w= 1 week Parents meets expectation


Performance Feedback

Performance feedback of the CBT would involve the SMART CBT indicator strategy that focuses on capturing specific, measurable, attributable, realistic, and time-bound aspects.

The SMART CBT strategy monitors the training after analysis of data collected through the process of administration including trainee attendance, and results after assessment.

Performance feedback can be supplemented by data from interviews, surveys and inspections. Daru and Ali (2020) indicate that other methods of feedback may include enrollment hours, course completion rate and mastery, quality time.

Desired goals achieved.

The CBT program would supplement formal feedback with ongoing feedback in learning processes to develop skills and improve instructor-trainee connection.




Ethical Considerations in CBT

Ethical issues of competency-based training may differ from individual morals, or environmental factors. A properly enforceable code of conduct within an organization helps in shaping ethics and behavior of the CBT and has the potential to influence how individuals make choices.

Dutta and Budhwar (2022) suggest that models for measuring competency in CBT like the SMART CBT approach are useful for facilitating ethical competence during the training.

Therefore, CBT should include ethical behavior as a competency skill and focus on how to reinforce and solve ethical issues and educate learners on desired behavioral and morals

CBT planners can achieve ethical competency by reviewing training processes concerned with applications, submissions, and timelines, through preparation and providing detailed information about everyone’s obligations in the training.

Also, the trainers will demonstrate awareness of ethical implications when collecting, storing data, and providing feedback to participants.




Overall, competency-based training facilitates the development of specific skills, attitudes, and behavior to complete a task in accordance with a specific design to accomplish a desirable outcome.

The effective implementation of a CBT program comprises emphasizes determining skill and training needs and setting up a training environment that facilitates behavior skill training through active learning strategies.

The administration and assessment of competence and providing feedback are critical to facilitating effective management, evaluation, and assessment that maintain the relevance and sustainability of the CBT.



Daru, P., & Ali, Y. (2020). Competency-based training (CBT): An introductory manual for practitioners. International Labour Organization.—arabstates/—ro-beirut/documents/publication/wcms_757836.pdf

Davis, S. (2018). Evaluation of behavioural skills training with volunteers teaching motor skills to individuals with developmental disabilities.

Dutta, D., & Budhwar, P. (2022). Ethics in competency models? A framework towards developing ethical behavior in organizations. IIMB Management Review.

Nembaware, V., Glasser, S., Priest, A., Davies, A., Skelton, M., Bodzo, P., … & Dandara, C. (2022). Competency-based training needs assessment for research managers and administrators in Africa and the United Kingdom to strengthen equitable partnerships. AAS Open Research, 5(11), 1-15.

Vare, P., Arro, G., de Hamer, A., Del Gobbo, G., de Vries, G., Farioli, F., … & Zachariou, A. (2019). Devising a competency-based training program for educators of sustainable development: Lessons learned. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-22.






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