Managing People and Organizations

COURSE CODE BCOBM112 BCN18050 COURSE NAME Managing People and Organizations Task brief & rubrics

Prof. Cristina Fernández

INDIVIDUAL TASK. Please upload in word or pdf


• Wordcount: 1500-2000.

• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount. Please include charts/ graphics if relevant.

• Font: Arial 12pts.

• Text alignment: Justified.

• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

• Non-referenced definitions will be considered plagiarism.

Submission: End of week 13, that is, the 21st of January at 23:59h Spanish time – Via Moodle (Turnitin).

Weight: This task is 60% of your total grade for this subject.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

• Outcome 1: Knowledge & Understanding & Application of the course content.

• Outcome 2: Critical thinking and communication.


Please read the following documents:

Article 1:

Article 2:

Article 3:

In 2013, Netflix published its “Culture doc”, created by HR Chief Patty McCord, CEO Reed Hastings, and others at the company. The document (article 1) is still

evolving and is used by the company to this day. At the time it was considered “the most influential document to ever come out Silicon Valley” (article 2). It

changed many things in the HR approach field.

Questions to develop:

1) Identify what changes introduced the above-mentioned document and why.

2) What leadership style and organizational structure do Netflix have? Do further research if necessary.



3) What are the components of corporate culture? Describe every component in detail and explain how every item is approached in Netflix (do further

research if necessary).

4) Pay level. Define this concept. In the case of Netflix, is it under or above market? How was been defined the pay structure? Justify your answer.

5) Most of Netflix teams work remotely and worldwide. What HR policies will be influenced by that and how?

6) How can HR through its responsibilities (and functions) accompany the change the organization (Netflix) needs, also in the future?






Fail Below 60% Marginal Fail 60-69% Fair 70-79 % Good 80-89%







Set 30%

Content is unclear, inaccurate

and/or incomplete. Brief and

irrelevant. Descriptive. Only

personal views offered.

Unsubstantiated and does not

support the purpose, argument

or goals of the project. Reader

gains no insight through the

content of the project.


Limited content that does not

really support the purpose of the

report. Very poor coverage.

Displays only rudimentary

knowledge of the content area.

Reader gains few if any insights


Presents some information that

adequately supports the central

purpose, arguments, goals, or

research questions of the project.

Although parts missing, it

demonstrates a level of partially

proficient knowledge of the

content area. Reader gains some


Presents clear and appropriate

information that adequately

supports the central purpose,

arguments, goals or research

questions of the project.

Demonstrates satisfactory

knowledge of the content area.

Reader gains proficient insights.



Analytical / Critical

Thinking Skills




20 %

Research problem, concept or

idea is not clearly articulated, or

its component elements are not

identified or described. Research

information is poorly organized,

categorized and/or not examined;

research information is often

inaccurate or incomplete.

Presents little if any analysis or

interpretation; inaccurately

and/or inappropriately applies

research methods, techniques,

models, frameworks and/or

theories to the analysis. Presents

few solutions or conclusions;

solutions or conclusions are often

not well supported, are inaccurate

and/or inconsistent, and are

presented in a vague or

rudimentary manner.


Research problem, concept or

idea is not clearly articulated at

times and confusing. Research

information is badly organized,

categorized, and/or only

superficially examined; research

information is often incomplete.

Presents limited analysis or

interpretation; inaccurately

and/or inappropriately applies

research methods, techniques,

models, frameworks and/or

theories to the analysis. Presents

some solutions or conclusions but

they are often not well

supported, or logical.


Adequately identifies and

describes (or sketches out) the

research problem, concept or idea

and its components. Gathers and

examines information relating to

the research problem, concept or

idea; presents and appraises

research information with some

minor inconsistencies,

irrelevancies or omissions.

Generally applies appropriate

research methods, techniques,

models, frameworks and/or

theories although with

inaccuracies. Outlines solutions or

conclusions that are somewhat

logical and consistent with the

analysis and evidence; identifies

and/or lists solutions or

conclusions although not always



Formulates a clear description of the

research problem, concept or idea,

and specifies major elements to be

examined. Selects information

appropriate to addressing the

research problem, concept or idea;

accurately and appropriately

analyses and interprets relevant

research information. Effectively

applies appropriate research

methods, techniques, models,

frameworks and/or theories in

developing and justifying multiple

solutions or conclusions; solutions or

conclusions are coherent, well

supported and complete.



Integration Skills





Shows little ability to employ

theory and practice across the

functional areas of business in

the assessment of issues relating

to the research problem, concept,


Shows some ability to employ

theory and practice across the

functional areas of business in the

assessment of issues relating to

the research problem, concept or


Exhibits application of principles,

theories and practices across the

functional areas of business to

the analysis of the research

problem, concept or idea. With


Demonstrates an ability to integrate

and apply principles, theories and

practices across the functional areas

of business to the analysis of the

research problem, concept or idea.





30 %

or idea. Does not recognize or

correctly identify cross-functional

organizational issues relevant to

the research problem, concept or

idea. Does not adequately

evaluate the research problem,

concept or idea in light of

relevant principles, theories and

practices across the business

functional areas. Few if any

solutions, recommendations for

action, or conclusions are

presented, and/or they are not

appropriately justified or




idea. Recognizes organizational

issues relevant to the research

problem, concept or idea but does

not show understanding. Does not

adequately evaluate the research

problem, concept or idea in light

of relevant principles, theories and

practices across the business

functional areas. Some solutions

offered but difficult to understand.

Recommendations for action, or

conclusions are presented, but

they are often not well supported,

or logical.



some exceptions, outlines and

describes (or sketches out) some

cross- functional organizational

issues that are relevant to the

research problem, concept or


Adequately identifies and

describes (or summarizes)

solutions, recommendations for

action, or conclusions that are, for

the most part, appropriate, but

which need to be more aligned

with principles and concepts in

the functional areas of business.



Identifies, examines and critically

evaluates important cross-

functional organizational issues

associated with the research

problem, concept or idea. Clearly

justifies solutions, recommendations

for action, or conclusions based on

analytics and an insightful synthesis

of cross-disciplinary principles and

concepts in the functional areas of





Use of References




Set 20%

Little or no evidence of reference

sources in the report. Content not

supported and based on

unsubstantiated views.


Most references are from sources

that are not peer- reviewed or

professional, and have uncertain

reliability. Few if any appropriate

citations are provided. Reader

doubts the validity of much of the



Professionally legitimate

references are generally used. Fair

citations are presented in most

cases. Some of the


comes from sources that are

reliable, but more academic

sources needed to be convincing.




Professionally and academically

legitimate references are used. Clear

and accurate citations are presented

in most cases. The majority of the


comes from sources that are


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