In pursuing an advanced degree in human services, it is important to consider how your leadership values align to the organization in which you work. Leadership values, such as respect, integrity, and humility, will ultimately guide your decision-making and help the organization achieve its goals.
In this Discussion, you imagine yourself as a leader of the organization where you will complete your community service this week. As you do so, you identify leadership values that you would emphasize given the organization’s outreach and humanitarian efforts.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
· Review your Course Announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.
· Review the Learning Resources on outreach and humanitarian work.
· Reflect on the organization where you will complete community service this week and how the organization’s outreach and humanitarian efforts serve the target population.
· Read the article on leadership values. Imagine you are a leader at the organization where you will perform community service. Identify at least three leadership values you would emphasize given the organization’s outreach and humanitarian efforts.
Post a brief description of the organization for which you will complete community service this week. Then, explain how the organization’s outreach and humanitarian efforts serve the target population. Finally, imagine you are a leader in the organization. Given the organization’s outreach and humanitarian efforts, describe at least three leadership values you would emphasize and explain why.
· You may find these websites helpful for identifying virtual community service opportunities:
· Catchafire. (2020). to an external site.
· Just Serve. (2020b). Discover volunteer opportunities. to an external site.
· UN Volunteers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://www.onlinevolunteering.orgLinks to an external site.
· Volunteer Match. (2020b). Virtual volunteer opportunities: Volunteer from anywhere.
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